Saturday, May 7, 2011

"You look skinny!"

Today I was told this by 3 different people! Wooooohooooo! I really feel great these days. My clothes are getting loose, and I'm actually kind of looking forward to summer clothes. I'm holding steady at 138 pounds, which I find amazing considering my nightly habits for the past 3 or 4 nights. Remember awhile back when I said I liked wine? And that I was going to give it up until I got to my goal weight? Well, I lied. ;) So, I've had a glass or two of wine for the past several nights; and, along with wine comes before-bed snacks. I generally chose trail mix, so I wasn't gorging on crap, but last night I indulged in some chips and salsa. And still my weight holds strong at 138. I'm totally OK with that, all things considered!

I've been doing really well with eating through the day, which I think is the reason my weight is the same even though I've had wine and snacks before bed. Yesterday, I had eggs and turkey bacon for breakfast, a turkey "sandwich" on lettuce, and a burger and smoked sausage for dinner. Today I had nothing for breakfast - I know, I know, not a good thing. It was a strange morning with naps and such, so it just didn't happen. For lunch, I had leftover smoked sausage from last night. For dinner I grilled steak, steamed broccoli and cauliflower, and cooked canned green beans from my parents' garden. We also had a big salad to go with it.