Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Catching up

Whew! I've been busy! As a result, my blog has suffered. Time to catch up...

Since I'm several days behind, I'll just fill you in on my dinner choices. It's pretty safe to assume that I'll have eggs, turkey bacon or sausage, rolled up deli meat with or without a lettuce "bun," or dinner leftovers throughout the day for breakfast and lunch. Two nights ago for dinner, we "Made it a Manwich Night!" OK, not really. You remember that goo in a can from childhood? I have a killer recipe for it, but decided to try one from the Paleo book. It was super simple, and quite tasty, even sans bun. I put it over a baked potato - not really recommended on the Paleo Diet, but I couldn't fathom just eating mouthfuls of beef.

I used 2 lbs of ground beef (from our grass-fed stash), diced peppers and onions, 1 can of tomato puree, and 1 Tbsp chili powder. The recipe called for 1/4 tsp ground mustard and 2 Tbsp cocoa powder (which would have made it interesting!)- but I didn't have these on hand, so I omitted them.

Last night, I had a dinner fail. The recipe has potential with some modifications, but as it was, it was pretty gross. I didn't even finish all of my food, which very rarely ever happens!!! It was a salmon scramble, and called for a 1 lb bag of mixed veggies (I used Thai veggies and threw in some broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots), 6 oz of canned salmon, 1 Tbsp rosemary, 1 tsp cumin, and salt and pepper. Cook until veggies are tender and salmon is heated through, and top with over-easy eggs.

The salmon is what made it gross. I love canned salmon - BUT, I generally eat it as fried patties, and load it with gravy. The flavor was overpowering to the veggies, though I did like the combo of rosemary and cumin. Suffice it to say, this won't grace my dinner table ever again. Ick. Next time I think I'll use canned chicken. It's worth another shot, but without the salmon!

I'm feeling great. I'm not bloated, and I even feel comfortable enough to wear clothes that don't just hang off my body. I noticed a few days ago that I don't do myself justice with the clothes I use as my staple wardrobe. I dress like a frumpy fat mom, and therefore, I feel like a frumpy fat mom. Hubs agreed with me (with lots of disclaimers from him..."no, you're not frumpy, no you don't need a girdle, no you don't have love handles, etc. in responses to my rambling. Ha!) So I've been trying to branch out and go out of my comfort zone in my clothing choices. Last night I had a meeting, and I actually wore (gasp!) leggings. And you know what? I got a lot of "You look great!!! The Diet is really making a difference for you!" comments. Yay for a self-esteem boost!


  1. And you DO look great...amazing, actually! You are inspiring me.

  2. Thanks, Nina! Much love to you!
